Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Vecsar Mech

Vecsar Mech controlling the computer chip in Gron Fresnell.

Vescar Mech is a type of Mech designed by The Company to install the chip into Gron Fresnell, and control it. He is pretty tough, and made of thick steel, and has a very intelligent A. I system. He speaks distorted English, and his antenna allows him to communicate with the company, these robots are designed to be nonhackable or re-programmable. (they did this because of what happened to Zoovac).

There are only a few of them in the universe because they cost 1 mil to produce each due to the rare A. I tech and gear. He first appears in Expedition0708 which is a newer PCG that takes place on Gron F. He is also in Epic Worlds New PCG called, Trapped, which is a pcg that takes place in the Company.
