Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games

The Voidian Universe was created when Mythar was pushed by Krokenow out of the boundaries of the Antempus Universe. He exploded into a supernova and created Mythoci, the center star of the Voidian Universe. ("Chronicles Addendum" - Voidian Universe)


Voidian universe Sector A[]

The Planets[]

  • Sonta - The planet that will be gone in a few thousand years because it's being sucked up my Athrapox. It's also the closest planet to Mythoci
  • Athrapox - The planet full of nature and second closest planet to Mythoci
  • Trodion - The planet that has an outer layer of spikes to defend the planet, Geometrical madness also resides here
  • Frowki - The planet with sky cities and mysterious rings made up of bioluminescence

The Moons[]


Voidian universe Sector B[]

Not much is known of Sector B, save a few glitchy photos taken of the mysterious place.
