Paper Computer Games
Paper Computer Games
Xoovaq's Paradox
Xoovaqs Paradox

Playthrough video thumbnail

Xoovaq's Paradox is a PC game, a sequel to The Last of the Zorelta, both by Compech Dev. The game takes place 1000 years after the events of The Last of the Zorelta, and follows three separate timelines, depending on which ending you got in the previous game. It is set in the CompechWorks Branch Set.




Computer Games (VE)
Based on the PCG Multiverse
Released Ginkus' Gift (PCG Hybrid) Super Computer Paper Computer GameBotsSolunaPCG EngineShmoe's EscapeThe Giant Purple Mountain Man vs The Artist Formerly Known As The Nazi MachineZoovac GameTutorial Bot Adventure
Zorelta Series: The Last of the ZoreltaXoovaq's ParadoxInvasia: Xoovaq's ParadoxReturn to Zorelta
Unpublished / In Progress (Untitled Point-and-click) • Tutorial Bot Adventure Part 2
PCG guest appearances Main Dude's First Game
Significant Non-PCG Indiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisAmazing IslandSpore