Zoniat, formerly known as Malphoid's World, is a 'planet' which is, in actuality, the surface of The Fat Guy, who has grown to planetary proportions. Zoniat is controlled entirely by robots, many of which designed after simple shapes. Robots swarm the skies here, making sure that anyone who does anything on the planet will be assaulted by loads of paperwork to fill out as a result. On the ground, the most dangerous and complicated highway system the galaxy has ever seen links the various locations of the world.
- Mail Zone- Where all the postal service robots are (presumably) built and dispatched to deliver the mail. Newman presides over this operation.
- Cone Zone- Where all the robots, buildings, and things are based on a conical shape.
- Fungus Zone- Giant mushrooms infest this area.
- City Zone- The true home of Donald Trump! Many robots are employed just to guard his tower.
- Gnome Zone- The Gnomes, including Shinobi, reside here.
- UPS Zone - Headquarters of the Under-Paid Sasquatch, aka UPS.
- Fat Zone - The Fat Guy's head is rumored to be located here.
- Crapsville Zone - A boring, yet oddly creepy suburbia. Secrets can be found in the sewers.
- Box Zone - Home of the Box Bots, such as Malphoid, Lester and (At least in fantasy) Tutorial Bot.
- Orb Zone - Unknown. This zone has yet to be explored.
- Pizza Zone - Unknown; also not explored. Could the inhabitants of this place be somehow related to Pizza Slice?
- Umbrella Zone - Umbrellas abound.
- Death Star Zone- need I say more?
- Hooded People Zone- inhibited by hooded people, duh.
- "Malphoid, the Mailbox-bot" - First appearance; world explorable by complicated world map.
- "Malphoid: Fired!" - Second appearance
- "Space-Balls" - Mountains explored; planet's true nature revealed.
- "Tutorial Bot's Past" - Mountains further explored.
- "Dino's Quest" - Dino escapes to the Mountain Zone, where he discovers Mr. Xhomp Qlu's laboratory. It is also revealed that Dino is native to Zoniat.
- "Balzak Globotron" - Balzak visits the surface of Zoniat briefly, where he meets his new doctor-- Dr Kridma.